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Helping leaders thrive in and create harmony between their professional and personal lives 

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Whether it's leading your family, a team, or an entire organization, stop drowning in stress and guilt and move to higher ground by joining the journey to become an essential leader that builds your life and leadership on the rocks . . . the Essential Rocks. Each week on the Leadership on the Rocks Podcast, you’ll hear:

  • solutions to overcome your biggest headaches in leadership
  • how to grow professionally but not at the expense of your home and family life
  • stories of struggles and lessons learned on how to be our best at work and at home

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Leadership on the Rocks (LOTR)

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Meet the voice behind the microphone...

Bethany Rees

Host and Essential Leader

As a wife, mom, former school administrator, entrepreneur, and CEO, Bethany knows what it takes to lead teams, organizations, and a busy family. She is on a mission to help you become an essential leader who makes a positive impact on every team you lead . . . whether at work or at home. Join her on the journey to building your life and leadership on the rocks . . . The Essential Rocks!  


Leadership on the Rocks is motivating, enlightening, and speaks THE TRUTH! Thank you for awakening my spirit Bethany Rees!


High School Administrator

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